On June 9th 2022 the Italian Garante della privacy declared that Google Analytics 3 (Universal) is not compliant with the GDPR (General data protection regulation, 2016/279), since it transfers users' data in the United States, a country without an adequate level of protection.

In case your website uses GA Universal, to avoid penalties you will need to update your version of Analytics to GA 4. At the moment the Garante has not ruled on the illegality of this version of the software, so it is still possible to use it.

As an alternative, you can use Matomo: a free software that allows you to monitor the performances of your website and provides detailed real-time reports.
Contact us for more information!

You will find Matomo already integrated in the newsletter software AnthericaMail: for each newsletter you send, Matomo creates a campaign that you can monitor from the software.